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What is wheat grass?

What is wheat grass?
Wheat grass is germinated (sprouting) wheat grains. This grass has in its growth phase a unique composition containing everything our body requires to function healthily. After a relatively short growing period the wheat grass can be harvested and pressed. The deep green juice is full of vitamins,minerals enzymes and chlorophyll. The benefits of this highly concentrated juice are visible when just drinking 30ml per day
TarwegrassapWheat grass juice is pure juice that is extracted from young wheat grass. The human digestive system is not able to digest grass but has no problem with the juice which consists of about 70% chlorophyll [green pigment in plants] which is responsible for photosynthesis and in addition contains active enzymes, vitamins,minerals, amino acids and other nutrients.
For a comparison: a daily dose of half a glass of wheat grass juice is equivalent to more than a kilo of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Can I use a centrifugal juicer to juice wheat grass

No, wheatgrass juice can only be made by a cold press. Centrifugal juicers can't juice without grinding the grass. The clippings that end up in the juice can not be digested. A centrifugal juicer uses high speed and thus creates a high temperature, causing the destruction of minerals and vitamins. If you are going to make wheatgrass juice, we recommend to take a look at our slowjuicers.

tarwegras shotOne glass 30ml of fresh juice corresponds to 2 servings of fruit and vegetables! The recommended daily requirement of vitamins and minerals.

Fresh is best
It is widely known that fruit and vegetables lose their nutritional value after harvesting.The amount of vitamin C lost in the first 24 hours is approximately 50%. Wheat grass grows until the moment it is squeezed .Fresher is not possible.

Making your own wheat grass? sell devices that can grow healthy fresh wheatgrass. Click here for an overview sprouters .

Acid –alkaline balance
In many contemporary foods remnants of acids remain in the body, however wheat grass juice acts as an alkalizing agent and thereby assisting in the better functioning of body cells.

The “juice factor”
While the positive functioning of wheat grass juice has been knowledge for about a 100 years scientists have now only partially managed to discover which substances therein are responsible and scientific research continues. Chlorophyll [leaf green] as an active ingredient. Research on animals in the early 1900 showed that wheat grass juice had positive effects in particular in support of the natural immune system of both animals and humans and was possibly due to chlorophyll and subsequent research is confirming this.

Organically grown wheat grass contains virtually all of the over a 100 elements in the shape of known vitamins and minerals which are digested by the body with little energy. There is much discussion about vitamins and food supplements and experience has shown that there exists a fundamental difference between vitamins from living organisms and vitamins in dead form such as a pill or capsule. Wheat grass juice is a living source and provides our body with living “photovoltaics”(think of solar energy).

Advantages and properties of wheat grass juice.
Wheat grass is one of the richest natural sources of vitamin A, vitamin B complex,B 12 , C ,E K and .Wheat grass is also rich in calcium,potassium,iron,magnesium,phosphorus,sodium,sulphur,cobalt,zinc and selenium and is therefore associated with various medical effects. We are not however making any claims in the medical sphere we are only recommending the daily use of freshly pressed wheat grass juice as a valuable addition to your diet.

Chlorophyll is recognized for a number of important effects ; improved blood circulation,increased oxygen in the blood and cleansing power within the body. Chlorophyll can be extracted from many plants but wheat grass has the advantage of including virtually all the free elements that the body requires.

Slowjuice offers you also wheatgrass powder.
Girme's Wheatgrass Powder.
An easy way to obtain the green liquid, as in fresh juice, by mixing a Tsp of powder in a glass of water. All the beneficial nutrients are "stored" in powder as in fresh grass including Chlorophyll.