Different kinds of Angel strainers
The Angel slow juicer has different juicing screens. There are differences between these screens, which we explain below.

Standard Extracting Screen (Fine screen)
Commonly used for extracting leafy greens, it is the used the most frequently. (Possible to extract seeds as well.) ! Caution:Less extraction will result when the standard extracting screen is used for fruits rather than using the Extracting Screen for Soft Fruits.
- Leafy Green Extract, Seed Extract

Extracting Screen for Soft Fruits (coarse screen)
Bigger pores than on the standard screen, it should be used to extract items with higher moisture content.
- Grape Juice, Orange Juice

Grinding Housing (Dense screen)
The hollow bottom design of Grinding Housing makes it very useful in preparing ingredients such as raw garlic and raw pepper, etc. for making Kimchi and other dishes. In addition, Grounding Housing is great in making cool snacks like sorbets for children in summer season with frozen fruits.
- Minced Garlic, Ground Pepper, Fruit Sorbet

Dense screen
When you make the peanut butter, you need peanut butter housing.Instead of sugary jam, try 100% natural peanut butter!
- Peanut butter